Soldiers’ Mail

Mail service has historically been a cornerstone of American life and communication, and that was especially true for those serving overseas during World War I.


On Jan. 16, 1919, after nearly a century of activism, the Prohibition movement finally achieved its goal to rid American society of “the tyranny of drink.” Passed by Congress on Dec. 18, 1917, or...

The Fourteen Points

In his war address to Congress on April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson spoke of the need for the United States to enter the war in part to “make the world safe for democracy.” Almost a year in...


Indelibly tied to Americans, “Doughboys” became the most enduring nickname for the troops of General John Pershing’s American Expeditionary Forces, who traversed the Atlantic to join war weary...

Filling the Ranks

By February 1917, the United States was on the verge of war, though the country was almost totally unprepared.

Wilson's War Proclamation

Temporarily on loan from the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C., Woodrow Wilson signed Presidential Proclamation 1364 concerning the Declaration of War against Germany...

Zimmermann Telegram

On March 1, 1917, the American public learned about a German proposal to ally with Mexico if the United States entered the war.

Women’s Suffrage

When the 19th Amendment took effect on Aug. 18, 1920, it followed over a century and a half of activism by and for women.

Grace D. Banker

Grace Banker was the Chief Operator of the U.S. Signal Corps’ women telephone operators.

Women in World War I

At the outset of World War I, women in the United States did not have the right to vote in national elections and could not serve in the military.

Women in WWI

With millions of men away from home, women filled manufacturing and agricultural positions on the home front.

U.S. Enters the War

Why did America enter World War I? Learn about the events that led the U.S. to enter WWI in 1917.

Global Interactive WWI Map

This interactive map shows you which countries and territories were involved in the Great War and how they were aligned.

Interactive WWI Timeline

How long did World War I last? Who fought whom? Journey through the story of the Great War with our Interactive WWI Timeline, covering the world events of 1914‑1920.