Dr. David Monger explores the personal accounts of wartime propagandists like author A.A. Milne, and how they support or challenge British propaganda’s negative reputation.
Teachers, join this webinar introducing a hot-off-the-proverbial-presses lesson about the use of propaganda during WWI on all sides. PL Certificate provided.
A panel of international military officers who have served as U.N. peacekeepers discuss their experiences and the questions surrounding the responsibility of protecting civilians and peace. Free reception before the panel.
The Museum and Memorial is partnering with the American Red Cross for a donation event. Like soldiers did 100 years ago, you can do your civic and patriotic duty by donating blood to support those in need.
Whether you’re a kid or a kid at heart, join us for a craft and a reading of one of the first Raggedy Ann stories, which the author hoped would inspire “love, kindness and good morals.”
During and after WWI, German military chaplains were heavily criticized for lacking courage and overemphasizing victory in their sermons. Dr. Benjamin Ziemann offers a more nuanced picture of the historical record.
A departure from the traditional sit-down gala experience, Night at the Tower is a night like no other! Help support America's leading institution dedicated to remembering, interpreting and understanding the Great War and its enduring impact on the global community.
Sculptor Sabin Howard delves into the details of his 58-foot-long bronze sculpture installed as the WWI memorial in Washington, D.C., recounting the wartime experience of an American Doughboy.
Did you know Sigmund Freud co-authored a psychological analysis of President Woodrow Wilson? Explore this lost psychobiography with Professor Patrick Weil, who rediscovered the manuscript in 2014.
Photographer Brian McCarty retells children’s firsthand accounts of war with toy figures, documenting today’s conflicts that can be traced to WWI’s enduring impact on the last century. Explore his work at this reception and lecture.