Under Two Flags at War

The donation from Christian Celius Nicolaisen's great-nephew, Donald R. Hurd, of Billings, Mont., features Nicolaisen’s Imperial German tunic with shoulder straps for the 86th Fusiliers, his (soft...

Australian Infantry Uniform and Equipment

When the Australian Imperial Force was formed soon after the beginning of World War I in August 1914, a mobilization not only of men and women to serve on the war front and the home front had to but...

First Usage of Poison Gas

An archival collection (viewable through the Museum's online collections database) recently acquired by the Museum examines this new warfare from the experience of a German officer and gas school...

Carruthers Field Air Service Memento

This unusual object measuring 25.5 inches by 30 inches is airplane fabric, covered with drawings of planes, patriotic symbols including eagles in flight and two female attractions.

German (Prussian) Officer's Overcoat

Recently added to the Museum and Memorial's collection, this German officer's overcoat (called a paletot) is a light gray overcoat made of fine wool that was worn by a Hauptmann (Captain) of the 21st...

SECRET - List of Coded Words

The military has used codes and ciphers for years, but the use and complexity of codes skyrocketed during World War I. Whether sent by telegraph, signal lights, messenger dog, carrier pigeon or early...

Ruses and Snares

Training Circular No. 21 “Ruses and Snares of the Enemy when Retreating” was used by the 77th Division at Camp Upton in early 1918 to train soldiers before going to France.

Portrait of John Lewis Barkley

John Lewis Barkley was a U.S. Army Medal of Honor recipient of World War I, for his valiant action in fighting holding off two German attacks with a captured machine gun.

Lusitania Medals

On May 7, 1915, the passenger liner Lusitania was sunk by German submarine U-20 in British waters. Of the passengers, 1,198 drowned, including many women and children and 124 U.S. citizens.

Nov. 11, 1918

On Nov. 11, 1918, after more than four years of horrific fighting and the loss of millions of lives, the guns on the Western Front fell silent.

The Armistice

On Nov. 11, 1918, after more than four years of horrific fighting and the loss of millions of lives, the guns on the Western Front fell silent. 

U.S. Enters the War

Why did America enter World War I? Learn about the events that led the U.S. to enter WWI in 1917.

Global Interactive WWI Map

This interactive map shows you which countries and territories were involved in the Great War and how they were aligned.

Interactive WWI Timeline

How long did World War I last? Who fought whom? Journey through the story of the Great War with our Interactive WWI Timeline, covering the world events of 1914‑1920.