Karl Gottlob Männer was born on Nov. 2, 1879 in Adelberg, Germany. He enlisted at the age of 19 and served as Acting Officer, machine gun company, Württemberg King Karl Grenadier Regiment 123, 27th Division.
The 123rd Grenadier Regiment, as part of the 27th Division, began the war at the Battle of Longwy, Aug. 22, 1914. By the end of August, it was between the Meuse and the Argonne. The Division remained in the Argonne until the end of 1915, primarily engaged in mine warfare. In January, 1916 the Division moved into line southeast of Ypres, Belgium. The 123rd Grenadier Regiment lost heavily in the captured British trenches of Bluff (north of the Ypres-Comines Canal) on March 2. Acting Officer Männer was killed near Ypres on April 6, 1916 just after he was granted a leave.
The donation to the Museum from his military service includes:
- The Württemberg ribbon medal for Military Merit of yellow with black side stripes and the Long Service Medal ribbon of red with stripes;
- the bronze Württemberg Long Service Medal instituted by King Wilhelm of Württemberg in July 1913 for 15 years of service;
- the Cross of Honor for the Great War for Widows and Parents of the Fallen instituted by German President Hindenburg on July 13, 1934;
- and the German Iron Cross Second Class instituted in 1914.