Immigrants and WWI

In World War I, one out of every five soldiers in the U.S. Armed Forces was an immigrant. For some it was a path to citizenship.

Citizenship and WWI

Advocates of peace argued for the continuation of American neutrality. Objection to the war became identified as dangerous to the nation.

Red Summer

American servicemen returned from the First World War only to find a new type of violent conflict waiting for them at home.

Pandemic Then and Now

As American soldiers mobilized for war in the spring of 1918, a handful of army physicians began noticing a worrisome influenza moving among their soldiers.


On Jan. 16, 1919, after nearly a century of activism, the Prohibition movement finally achieved its goal to rid American society of “the tyranny of drink.” Passed by Congress on Dec. 18, 1917, or...

Baking During a Time of Crisis

The national food effort, and reorganization of the supply chain, served an Allied victory and inarguably changed how Americans ate, prepared and thought about food.

Armenian and Syrian Relief Fund

Pamphlets in the Museum’s archival collection depict advertising the efforts of various American relief organizations and soliciting funds to ease the suffering of several predominately Christian...

War Brides of the Great War

The term ‘war brides’ originally referred to women who quickly married before their husbands left for military service.

Legacy of the Armistice

After 1918, Nov. 11 became a day of remembrance. Commemoration practices involved both celebration and somber remembrance with ceremonies often including parades, speeches and a moment of silence.

Women’s Suffrage

When the 19th Amendment took effect on Aug. 18, 1920, it followed over a century and a half of activism by and for women.

Grace D. Banker

Grace Banker was the Chief Operator of the U.S. Signal Corps’ women telephone operators.