The Events of WWI

When did World War I begin? What countries were involved? When did it end?

#USWW100 - Why WWI Matters

Produced in 2017, this short video series explored the events that led the U.S. to enter World War I a century before, in 1917.

#USWW100 - The Toll of War, 1917

Produced in 2017, this short video series explored the events that led the U.S. to enter World War I a century before, in 1917.

#USWW100 - Declaration of War

Produced in 2017, this short video series explored the events that led the U.S. to enter World War I a century before, in 1917.

#USWW100 - America in 1917

Produced in 2017, this short video series explored the events that led the U.S. to enter World War I a century before, in 1917.

The Influenza Epidemic

Occurring against the backdrop of World War I, one of history’s most deadly pandemics added to the horrors and devastation brought on by the conflict.

Native Americans in WWI

The contributions of American Indians to the war effort helped win the war and, in 1924, citizenship for all Indigenous peoples in the U.S.

Immigrants and WWI

In World War I, one out of every five soldiers in the U.S. Armed Forces was an immigrant. For some it was a path to citizenship.

America Goes to War

When World War I broke out in Europe in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared the U.S. neutral.