Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Gavin McIlvenna

Shortly after World War I, a white marble sarcophagus was erected in Arlington Cemetery where an unknown American soldier was laid to rest, representing all who not only gave their lives, but also...

The Marne 1914: The Battle of the Generals

Award-winning historians Shawn Faulkner and Scott Stephenson of the U.S Army Command and General Staff College examine how the French and German high commands envisioned “the next great war,” and...

Museum Minute: The Doughboy Uniform

Senior Curator Doran Cart shares the Museum's display of the uniform and field gear of an American infantry soldier during WWI, including one of the most vital tools of every Doughboy.

Great War in the Middle East, 1916-18 - Brian Steed

Many of today’s disputed borders in the Middle East were created during World War I. Join Assistant Professor and Middle East Specialist Lieutenant Colonel Brian Steed of the U.S. Army General and...

Enduring Legacies of 'Gassed'

Warfare and chemical weapons continue to have the same horrific impact today as they did when John Singer Sargent painted Gassed.