Lower Level Expansion: March 01, 2023


Museum Access Updates

May 19, 2023
The Lower Level will reopen to the public on Friday, May 19, 2023.
  • The largest expansion to the Museum and Memorial since the Museum’s opening in 2006, the Lower Level will feature the Bergman Family Gallery, an open collections storage space with 190 ft of glass shelving displaying items otherwise not available for the public to view. The R.A. Long Learning Center, Edward Jones Research Center and Ellis Gallery also share the Lower Level space.
June 6, 2022
The west elevator restricted from the Lower Level and Main Level. This means that Exhibit Hall, and special exhibition Entertaining the Troops, can only be accessed from Memorial Courtyard. Guests may enter Exhibit Hall up several steps and through the front doors, or through the Courtyard elevator.
May 31, 2022
Lower Level and Edward Jones Research Center closed to the public. Available options for researchers



What's the plan?

The goal at this stage is to create a dedicated open storage and learning space on the Lower Level of the Museum and Memorial – opening up the Museum collection for the public to see behind-the-scenes of Museum staff at work.


Digital rendering of a Collections and Research area bounded by glass walls. Museum guests on the other side of the glass watch Museum staff at work.


With approximately 4,000 square feet of storage and a 190-foot "coastline" of cases, this space will also allow the Museum and Memorial to display objects and artifacts otherwise unavailable to visitors and create additional spaces for small groups and students to learn about the collection and the enduring impact of World War I.


Digital rendering of an open-plan room with posters on the walls.


The Museum and Memorial will also be constructing a new staircase from the Main Level that will enable visitors to access the updated collections and research area more easily. Access to the west elevator from the Main Level will be blocked during this time, but the east elevator will still be accessible, and volunteers and staff are available to help direct guests through the Museum.


Digital rendering of a large airy Museum lobby area with the entrance to the staircase across from the viewer.


Digital rendering of a modern design staircase, looking down


The initiative supports the Museum and Memorial’s multi-year strategic plan and provides critical updates that will allow the Museum and Memorial to continue to grow both its collection and its visitorship.



What does the Lower Level closing mean for researchers?

During the construction period, the Edward Jones Research Center on the Lower Level will be closed to the public, but there are a number of ways for you to still conduct your research:


How does this impact exhibitions?

  • Ellis Gallery will be closed while the Lower Level is closed.

  • The West Lobby Gallery will be closed while the west end of the Main Level is blocked off for construction.

  • Exhibit Hall (and the current exhibition, Entertaining the Troops) will be open throughout construction.