Hall Family Foundation

Donor Spotlight
Painted image of the Liberty Memorial from a distance at night.

The Liberty Memorial, built and dedicated in the 1920’s, was enhanced and rededicated on Veterans Day in 1961. The chairman of the Rededication Committee was Joyce C. Hall, founder and president of Hallmark Cards, Inc. Hall persuaded two prominent political adversaries, former Presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower (both veterans of World War I), to travel to Kansas City for the rededication ceremony. President Eisenhower visited the Truman Library the morning of Nov. 10 and presided over the official rededication ceremony that afternoon, while President Truman led the Veterans Day program the next day.

The Hall family has a long history of working with and supporting the National World War I Museum and Memorial. In addition to Joyce Hall’s chairmanship of the 1961 Rededication Committee, Hallmark produced postcards featuring the Liberty Memorial. Most recently, in September 2015, the Hall Family Foundation made a substantial monetary contribution to the Museum’s Call to Duty Centennial Capital Campaign for the support of program and opportunity funds and to increase the Museum’s endowment.

The Hall Family Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of human life through programs that enrich the community, help people and promote excellence.