Save a Life: Blood Drive (April 2025)
Blood was stored for future transfusions for the first time in World War I. In recognition of this life-saving achievement, the Museum and Memorial is partnering with the Community Blood Center for a donation event. Like soldiers did 100 years ago, you can do your civic and patriotic duty by donating blood to support those in need.
Appointments are REQUESTED to donate at this blood drive; walk-ins will be accepted. To find out more details about eligibility, the donation process and to make an appointment, please visit savealifenow.org
Donors will receive one complimentary pass to the Museum and Memorial. Free parking (including accessible parking) is located on the south side of the Museum and Memorial in the U-shaped drive and in the West Visitors Lot. Donors can access the blood drive through the front entrance of the Museum and Memorial. Map, driving directions and parking details
Appointments REQUESTED; walk-ins accepted | Auditorium Lobby