Image: Propaganda poster illustrated with a young white woman, with a haggard expression, reaching toward the viewer. She is dressed in classical robes decorated with the Stars and Stripes. Poster text: 'Be Patriotic / sign your country's pledge to save the food'

Professional Learning: WWI, Propaganda and Media Literacy

Sunday, Sept. 15 - 7 p.m. Zoom Conference

WWI saw its fair share of media, with a variety of purposes, from all sides. Teachers, join this Professional Learning webinar introducing a hot-off-the-proverbial-presses lesson designed to help your students learn about the use of propaganda during WWI. After learning about the lesson and methods for teaching media literacy in your classroom, a Museum and Memorial educator will model how to choose primary resources to help students learn media literacy skills.

A digital one-hour PL Certificate will be provided upon completion of the webinar and a grant-enabling survey. 

FREE to the Public | Online (Zoom)

Link to Webinar