Image: Sepia portrait of a white adult man with a buzz-cut and a well-groomed mustache, dressed in a WWI military dress uniform and Iron Cross pin. Text: 'Pershing Lecture Series / An Enigma / in Red Stripes and Gold Braid'

Pershing Lecture Series: An Enigma in Red Stripes and Gold Braid

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 6:30 p.m. Auditorium and Online

History remembers Erich von Falkenhayn as an enigma. In the first year of the war, he realized attrition would have disastrous outcomes for the German Empire – and yet, with attrition he led the German military to victory at the “blood mill” of Verdun. Was he a visionary, or did he deserve to be vilified in Great War historiography? Examine the legacy and controversy of Falkenhayn's leadership with Dr. Scott Stephenson. 

Free with RSVP | Auditorium and Online