Mrs. Wilson's Knitting Circle: Knit-Rite
Come do your bit – knit! Just as in WWI, knitting is a way to share comfort and bring a community of friends together to talk, laugh and create. Whether just starting out or an expert able to share your knowledge, join us. BYONY (bring your own needles and yarn). Your own projects are welcome!
Thanks to his own experience as an amputee, Kansas Citian Billy Isle recognized an opportunity to fulfill the needs of thousands of Americans returning from “over there.” Many soldiers and civilians who survived artillery wounds and infections from battlefield conditions still left the front as amputees. Nations on all sides of WWI had developed modern weaponry that inflicted new types of injuries, and innovative individuals developed ways to treat them.
Learn more about Isle’s wartime service and the 100-year legacy of Knit-Rite, his flourishing company in Kansas City, which continues to be a global leader in making medical textiles. Hosted in conjunction with the special exhibition Bespoke Bodies: The Design & Craft of Prosthetics.
Free with RSVP | Auditorium and Online