Crop of a propaganda poster depicting an eagle perched on two people's clasped hands. Text in all-caps: 'May it be Peace'

Atelier pour enseignants : Mettre fin aux conflits, créer la paix

Mercredi 5 février 2025 | 5h-7h30 Bibliothèque présidentielle Harry S. Truman

Chers enseignants, rejoignez le National WWI Museum and Memorial, la Truman Library et le History Co:Lab pour un atelier gratuit sur le thème de la fin des conflits. De la nourriture et des boissons seront fournies !

With the growing numbers of international conflicts in our world and across our media platforms, understanding the importance of peace is more important than ever. However, teaching about modern conflicts is becoming more and more challenging and frustrating. Join us for an evening of workshopping classroom best practices over dinner. Using WWI and President Truman historical content and primary sources, teachers will explore the legacies of historical conflicts and how students today have the power to create their own definitions of peace.


Workshop Goals: 

  • Increase understanding about how the complexity of backgrounds impacts different perspectives towards conflict and peace
  • Gain knowledge of WWI, its historical roots and the world it created
  • Gain knowledge of President Harry S. Truman, WWII, and world they created together
  • Analyze primary sources to investigate historical fights for peace within conflict
  • Explore how students can use international conflicts as inspiration on how to develop peace keeping actions within their own lives
  • Enhance teaching skills of bridging across differences and developing civic discourse within the classroom
  • Create strategies for the classroom that encourage discussion and inquiry
  • Answer the question: Why is peace worth fighting for?


Gratuit avec RSVP | Harry S. Truman Library