Image: black and white photo of a white man in formal military uniform and hat seated in a chair with a child sitting on his knee, both looking towards the viewer. Text: 'Youth in the Fatherless Land'

الشباب في الأرض اليتيمة

الخميس 8 أغسطس - 6:30 مساءً قاعة وعبر الإنترنت

Mass conscription swept a strong spirit of militarism and nationalism across Germany that extended far behind the front lines and deep into the nation’s classrooms. Prussian primary school teachers, legendary for their stringent methods, led the education reform to teach art and critical thought that ultimately fueled a youth movement against adults.

Sharpen your pencils and get out your notebooks as historian Andrew Donson examines the mobilization of German teenagers and schoolchildren for experiments in state-building and extreme political movements during the Great War.

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أقيم بالتزامن مع المعرض

الحرب الصغيرة

استكشف حياة الأطفال الذين اجتاحتهم عواصف الحرب العالمية الأولى بينما كان الكبار يقاتلون على الخطوط الأمامية ويدعمون المجهود الحربي.

الصورة: رسوم توضيحية لأطفال يرتدون الزي العسكري لدول مختلفة ويلوحون بالأعلام الوطنية. النص: "الحرب الصغيرة"